Currently, the number of promo codes COM49 has been exhausted. VinaHost has added 2 more promo codes:
- 50 domain .COM at $4.95: promo code COM99
- 50 domain .COM at $7.95: promo code COM159
VinaHost’s special domain .VN offer:
- .COM: $2.45
- .VN: $27.5 & get free Email Hosting (5GB, 3 accounts, 500 emails/day) for 1 year. Please send email to cskh@vinahost.vn for activating free email hosting.
Domain | Original Price (first year) |
Sale Price (first year) |
Quantity | Promo code | Order |
.com | $2.45 | 142 | COM49 | ORDER
.vn | $27.5 | Unlimited | D11 | ||
.com.vn, .net.vn, .biz.vn | $22.5 | ||||
.org.vn, .info.vn, .health.vn, .edu.vn… | $13.5 |
- Time: from 12/02 to 28/02/2022
- Payment: from 12/02 to 28/02/2022
- Promotional price applies to new first-year registrations only.
- Offer applies to all customers (including resellers); except for renewals; each customer can buy up to 20 domains.
- 24/7/365 support via live-chat, ticket, email, phone.
Contact us:
- Headquarter: 351/31 No Trang Long St., Ward. 13, Binh Thanh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City
- Hotline: 1900 6046
- Email: support@vinahost.vn
- Livechat: https://livechat.vinahost.vn/chat.php