Terms & Conditions for GTLDs

1. Principle

Domain names selected by organizations or individuals for registration must ensure that there are no phrases that infringe upon national interests or are inconsistent with social ethics, fine customs and traditions of the nation; must show seriousness to avoid misunderstanding or misrepresentation due to polyphony, polysemantic or when not using accents in Vietnamese – (point 2.2,a) Clause 2, Section II according to Circular 24/2015/TT-BTTTT Regulations on management and use of Internet resources issued by the Ministry of Information and Communications (replacing Circular 09/2008/TT-BTTTT dated December 24, 2009 of the Ministry of Information and Communications guiding the management of Internet resources) and use of Internet resources).

Registrant need to comply with all the provisions of ICANN for the registration and use of domain names internationally. Registrant can view all your rights and reponsebilities which ICANN has provided at link: Registrant Rights and Responsibilities

2. Responsibilities of the domain registrant

The domain name registrant must be fully responsible before the law for the purpose of use and the accuracy of the information provided, ensure the registration and use of the domain name in accordance with regulations, without infringing upon the rights of the domain name registrant. lawful interests of other organizations and individuals.
The registrant using the domain name is responsible for the management and maintenance of his/her right to use the domain name  and is responsible in any case of violation of the use of his or her domain name due to lax management. cause.
The registrant using the domain name is obliged to manage and monitor information about the operation status and validity period of the registered domain name. In all cases, domain names that do not continue to pay maintenance fees when due will be automatically suspended and revoked according to regulations.
The registrant must complete the procedure for the domain name registration declaration according to the regulations of VinaHost:
  • Registrant must submit the  “Registration of Domain Name”  (or according to the form of the NDK) according to the regulations of VNNIC to the Registrar. In the declaration, the registrant must provide complete and accurate domain name information as prescribed.
  • When changing names of individuals, agencies, organizations or contact information such as contact addresses, phone numbers, email boxes, identification papers, individuals, agencies or organizations , must immediately notify the Registrar to update to the system and database of the domain name, ensuring accurate information.
  • The Registrar cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from the domain name holder’s failure to comply with this provision.
  • The domain name registrant must be responsible for managing and using the registered domain name in accordance with the law on Internet resources.
  • Declare the use of domain name at  Thongbaotenmien.vn according to the regulations of the Ministry of Information and Communications. Reference:  Instructions for GTLDS Domain Declaration at VinaHost.
  • The domain name holder must actively monitor information on the operation status and validity period of the registered domain names, and pay the maintenance fee 10 days before the domain name expires.
  • The process of updating the declared international domain name information: check it out.

3. For international domain name registrars in Vietnam

No later than 15 days after providing the service of registration and maintenance of international domain names to the public, the international domain name registrar in Vietnam must send a report on service provision to the Ministry of Information and Communications. Communication (Vietnam Internet Center).
Before the 15th of the first month of each quarter, the international domain name registrar in Vietnam shall report an updated list of international domain names under its management to VNNIC in the network environment according to the detailed instructions prescribed at www.thongbaotenmien.vn.
For detailed content, please see Decree No. 72/2013/ND-CP dated July 15, 2013; Decree No. 27/2018/ND-CP dated March 1, 2018 of the Government and Circular No. 24/2015/TT-BTTTT dated August 18, 2015 of the Ministry of Information and Communications.
Manage information about organizations and individuals in Vietnam that register international domain names at their units, including the organization’s name, head office address, phone number, fax number, and email address for the organization. position; full name, date, month, year of birth, number of identity card/citizen identification card/passport, place of issue, date of issue, permanent address, phone number, email address for individuals ;
To guide organizations and individuals that register international domain names to notify the use of international domain names according to the provisions of Clauses 2 and 3, Article 23 of the Law on Information Technology dated June 29, 2006;
Provide information and coordinate with competent state management agencies to settle and handle cases related to international domain names under their management;

4. Change the domain information: The provisions at Point 7.2, Clause 7, Section II – Circular 09/2008 / TT-MIC

When changing the name of the agency, organization or information contact-like contacts, phone, fax, e-mail, proof of the people, agencies, organizations and individuals must notify in writing immediately to the VinaHost know to ensure accurate information. VinaHost can not and will not assume liability and compensation for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with this provision.

5. Submit the registration fee and maintaining

Domain names registered must be paid the full registration fee (collected only 01 times) and domain name maintenance fee (collected annually, the minimum is 01 years, incentive pay for many years) when filing . When incomplete payment of fees and charges, the domain name will not be registered. Domain name registrant need to to proactively monitor information on the operational status, the validity period of the domain name was registered, must actively coordinate procedures are completed contract renewal domain name and pay fees maintain before 10 days after domain name expiry. Maintenance fees domains can pay once for many years, or pay for each year.

When paying the maintenance fee, the domain name registrant must provide full information on: Name of the domain name registrant, which domain names to pay fees for, the number of years of maintenance for each domain name and compliance. Our payment instructions are outlined in the payment methods. VinaHost cannot and will not be liable for and indemnify for any loss or damage arising from the domain name holder’s failure to comply with this payment provision.


  • Customers are responsible to announce the use of international domain names at page https://thongbaotenmien.vn of Ministry of Information and Communications.
  • According to Article 23 of the Law on Information Technology Decree No. 28/2009 / ND-CP dated 20/3/2009 stipulating sanctions against administrative violations in the management, provision and use of Internet services and electronic information on Internet.
  • Information 09/2008 / TT-BTTTT 24/12/2008 of Ministry of Information and Communications on management guidance and use of Internet resources.
  • Article 23, Information Technology Act No.67 / 2006 / QH 11 dated 06.29.2009.

6. Dispute domain name

All disputes related international domain name, we will handle according to the regulations of the organization and management-level domain names (ICANN).

Types of dispute resolution

  • Through negotiation and conciliation
  • Through Arbitration
  • File a lawsuit in court

Comply with ICANN’s Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy

In ICANN’s domain name dispute resolution policy, the mandatory procedures for a dispute case include:

The complained person is required to participate in the proceedings when it is related to the following 3 cases

  • The Respondent’s domain name is identical or confusingly similar to a trade mark (trademark) or service mark to which the Complainant is an authorized person; and
  • The person complained against has no legitimate rights or interests in that domain name; and
  • The domain name that the Respondent has registered and is using with malicious intent.

The complainant must present all three conditions mentioned above in the complaint form

Evidence for registration and malicious use in (but not limited to) the following cases:
  • The respondent has registered or acquired the domain name solely for the purpose of selling, renting, or otherwise transferring the domain name registration to the complainant, the owner of the trademark or service mark, or to a competitor. claimant’s dispute with an amount that exceeds the direct costs that the respondent has spent on that domain name.
  • The respondent registers the domain name to prevent the owner of the trademark or service mark from reflecting the mark in the respective domain name, or the respondent has acted with such intent; or
  • The defendant registers a domain name for the purpose of preventing a competitor’s business; or
  • The defendant used the domain name to intentionally attract the attention of Internet users for commercial purposes to his Website or to another online address, by creating a confusingly similar name. claimant’s labeling misleads Internet users with the original Web site, thinking that the respondent is the sponsor, affiliate of the complainant, or has been agreed to by the complainant.

The complained person must prove his/her legitimate rights and interests. The following cases (but not limited to) will prove to the complainant:

    • Prior to receipt of notice of dispute, the respondent used or proved to be prepared to use the domain name or the name corresponding to the domain name in connection with the actual supply of goods or services. ; or
    • The person being complained about is known to the public through that domain name, even though the person being sued does not have trade mark or service mark rights; or
    • Respondent is using a legitimate domain name that has no commercial connection, or is using the domain name in a fair manner, with no commercial intent to mislead consumers or to tarnish the image. of the trade mark or service mark against which the claimant is suing.
After ratifying the UDRP, ICANN appoints the following 4 organizations to provide domain name dispute resolution services:
  • World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
  • National Arbitration Forum (NAF)
  • CPR company
  • eResolution Co
The registrar shall base on the decision of the above organizations to enforce the decision.

7. International domain name lifecycle

The international domain name is owned by the individual (or organization) registered with ICANN until you no longer pay the fee to maintain it.


  • The domain is not being registered by anyone and you can register a valid domain name through domain name registrars.


  • Immediately after being purchased, the domain will move to this stage. If you want to transfer the domain name to another provider, you need to wait for the domain to be 60 days old.
  • You can renew the domain name on the last day or  anytime while the domain is active. Domain use period will be added 1 year to the expiration date. You can extend it more, but the validity period of an international domain name does not exceed 10 years.
  • If you don’t renew, the domain will move to the next stage, Expired.


  • When the domain expires, you cannot access the domain name and also cannot transfer the domain name to another registrar.
  • The time you can renew your domain name from the expiration date is 0 to 30 days.
  • According to ICANN regulations, the waiting time for renewal is from 30-45 depending on the domain name. However, there are some special renewal status domains:
    • .EU domain name: there is no renewal waiting period, it will expire on the 2nd last day of the month in which the domain name will expire
    • Domain .CO: there will be 15 days waiting for renewal
    • .UK domain name: the waiting time for this domain name is up to 90 days after expiration
    • Domains .WS: no renewal waiting period
    • Domain .NAME: no renewal timeout
    • .TEL domain name: there will be 30 days waiting for renewal
    • .DE domains: no renewal and deletion waiting periods.

Redemption Period

  • After the domain expires and before it is deleted, the international organization governing domain names ICANN  has a rule that all domain names must pass a period of 30 days. At this time, all information will be deleted, which means that the website, email or other services related to the domain name will not work.
  • Domain names can be restored by contacting the Registrar directly to request a domain name redemption (depending on the domain name). Cost = ransom fee + domain name renewal fee for at least 1 year. Usually the ransom will be around $10.

Pending Deletion

  • After the domain name passes the Redemption stage, it will change its status to Pending Delete
  • This phase lasts for 5 days and on the last day, between 11AM and  2PM Pacific Time (Vietnam time is 1AM and 4AM), the domain name will be deleted and anyone can register it.
  • You can use the Date Calculator to calculate the domain name expiration date.


  • Domain names are back to Available, can be re-registered and start a new life.

8. Legal documents: Read more

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