Terms of Email Service

Regulations on using email services in general and specific regulations for each service of Email Hosting, Email Server, Email Marketing, Email Relay are as follows:

1. General provisions

1.1. You are not allowed to use VinaHost’s Email service to send spam mail, advertising mail, bulk mail, mass mail, bomb mail, etc. We reserve the right to suspend or terminate the service depending on the consequences. We do not accept any form of sending Spam Email, including those caused by Viruses to control & exploit server resources on your Email service.

1.2. You are responsible for controlling the sending of Emails from your Email accounts. You are responsible in case your IP address is blocked by anti-Spam organizations due to spam mail, promotional mail, bulk mail, mass mail, bomb mail, etc.

Reputable international anti-Spam organizations:

  • Spamhaus: http://www.spamhaus.org
  • The Barracuda Reputation Block List: http://www.barracudacentral.org
  • UCE Protect Network: http://www.uceprotect.net

1.3. You understand and accept that the Webmail interface we provide is configured and implemented for general use. We do not change the webmail interface according to your own requirements.

1.4. You agree to only use the functions available on the Email administration tool that we provide. We strive to provide our users with the best rated features. We are unable to customize the Email administration tool to your individual requirements.

1.5. Anti-virus filter prevents threats from suspicious or virus-containing attachments (Ex: exe, com, iso, jar, vbs, bat, pif, scr, hta, js, cmd, chm, ade, adp, cab, ins, isp, jse, lib, mde, msc, msp, mst, msp, nsh, sct, shb, vxd, wsc, wsf, cpl, jsp, reg, vbe, lnk, dll, dmg, sys, btm, msi, prf, wsh, vb…).

If you are sure that the file is safe, you can ask the sender to upload the file to Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, etc. then send it as a drive attachment (shareable link).

1.6. For Email service provided with Hosting packages (ex Linux Hosting, WP Hosting, Windows Hosting,… ) and Cloud Server:

You understand and agree that we do not guarantee the maximum performance and stability of the Email service provided with Hosting or the Email service installed on your Cloud Server for the following reasons:

  • The IP address of Hosting Server / Cloud Server is easily blacklisted because websites hosted on the server can be attacked by malicious code, viruses, phishing links, etc. through security holes of websites, affecting them. to an entire IP address or even an entire IP range.
  • Email service works with low performance due to prioritizing performance of Websites and Databases.
  • Server resources and optimal configurations on the system are mainly for website operation.
  • Email storage is low because it is mainly focused on storing Websites and Databases.

2. Terms of Email Server service

VinaHost can customize the service according to your individual requirements. However, you need to understand and comply with the general provisions in Article 1. If you violate Article 1, VinaHost has the right to suspend or terminate the service and not refund depending on the level of violation and impact.

Email Server service is suitable for customers who need to send Email Hosting, not for Email Marketing or Email Reseller. You are not allowed to use VinaHost’s Email service to send spam mail, advertising mail, bulk mail, mass mail, bomb mail, etc. We reserve the right to suspend or terminate the service depending on the consequences. We do not accept any form of sending Spam Email, including those caused by Viruses to control & exploit server resources on your Email service.

Customers using Email Server have full control over the number of accounts and configuration. However, reputable IPs will be controlled by VinaHost so they will have default limits. If you want to change the email limit to be suitable for sending email hosting, please email to support@vinahost.vn for support.

If you intentionally send spam mails or want to send unlimited mail by hour, day or month, VinaHost has the right not to provide reputable IP ranges to you to avoid losing control and affecting other services. the other client.

General provisions of Email Server service:
  • Email limit: Each email account cannot send more than 300 Emails/hour.
  • The limit can be changed according to the frequency of sending valid mail of the customer.
  • If the monitoring system detects that sending mail exceeds the specified limit or identifies spam, the email account will be temporarily blocked and we will notify customer to consider spam action.
  • If customers need to send promotional emails, customers can buy Email Marketing service packages.

3. Terms of Email Hosting service

  • Each email account cannot send more than 300 emails/hour. If you exceed the limit, your email account will be blocked and automatically unblocked after 24 hours.
  • The main user cannot exceed the limit/day (the day limit depends on the domain) depending on the service plan you are using. If sending exceeds the limit, the user will be locked and automatically unblocked the next day.
  • Email Hosting cannot be converted to Email Marketing, Email Relay and other Hosting service packages.

4. Terms of Email Maketing service

Anti-Spam Policy

Emails sent using VinaHost’s service must ensure the following:

  • Each message sent using the service must have a link so that the recipient has the right to “unsubscribe” if he does not want to receive any more emails from the customer.
  • Customer agrees that any email message sent by Customer will not contain any deceptive or misleading content regarding the overall matter of the email message.
  • Customer agrees that the sending and returning addresses are legitimate.
  • The customer agrees that the content submitted by the customer does not violate the laws of the State of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
  • Don’t use generic non-specific email addresses, eg sales@domain.com; use own email domain like john@vinahost.vn for better effectiveness.

VinaHost provides customers with a tool to check the SPAM content of an email before sending it. When sending a campaign VinaHost requires that the customer’s email content always has a SPAM score less than 2. Emails with a SPAM score greater than 2 will be retained by the system and cannot be sent out.

Mailing List

VinaHost requires the list of customers to have a high reputation (over 95% valid addresses). To ensure the list is highly reputable, customers are not allowed to use the list of unknown sources and searched on the internet. Vinahost checks the validity of the email addresses and enters the customer’s email list into the system before the customer sends it.

Lock account

VinaHost will lock the account if the customer violates one of the following cases:

  • Email error rate > 5%
  • Email spam rate >1%
  • Violation of anti-spam policy

Reopen the account

To reopen the customer account, please contact VinaHost support via email support@vinahost.vn, time to check and reopen the service within 24 hours.

Limited parameters of Email Marketing service:

Number of mails sent per monthDepending on the service package
Storage of email account10 MB
Number of email addressesEmails can only be sent from a 1 email account
Service changeCannot be changed to Email Relay and other Hosting service 

5.Terms of Email Relay service

Limited parameters of Email Marketing service:

Maximum number of emails sent per hourEach email account cannot send more than 300 Emails/hour. If the monitoring system detects that sending mail exceeds the specified limit or identifies spam, the email account will be temporarily blocked and we will notify customer to consider spam action.
Storage of email account30 MB
Number of email addressesUnlimited 
Service changeCannot be changed to Email Marketing and Email Hosting 


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